Hey Wellington County – you may have seen the notes for coming soon already, but we are pleased to announce that the doors to our new office location in Fergus will be officially open as of Monday August 27, 2018! Call our same office line at 519-766-1113 press 1 for reception to schedule an appointment.
What does this mean for you? We now have 2 fantastic locations to serve you better. Guelph & Fergus and of course mobile denture services will be an option as well!
Fergus will now house all our digital denture equipment – stay tuned for more news on this! There are more exciting details to share in the coming weeks.
NEW Fergus address: 749 St. Andrew St. W. Fergus ON N1H 3M2 – St. Andrew St. W Mall – plaza with Freshco
Guelph: 261 Edinburgh Rd. S. Guelph N1G 2J6
Call: 519-766-1113 press 1 for reception to book an appointment or walk-in’s are always welcome.