Custom Sports Mouthguard Clinic
Happy New Year from Parada Dentures!! We hope that the holidays were an enjoyable time for all.
Have your children worn through their mouthguards earlier in the season than expected? With lots of use, being chewed on or sometimes being lost at the last game, sometimes mouthguards need to be replaced mid-season. Has your child been playing with an ill-fitting boil and bite guard? Get them a custom sports mouthguard today! Parada Dentures in conjunction with our partner Progressive Dental Hygiene will be hosting a custom sports mouthguard clinic on Sat. Jan 24, 2015 from 10am to 2pm and are offering an additional night on Tues. Jan 27th, 2015 from 4:30pm to 8pm. Appointments are not necessary but are recommended to avoid waiting. Contact our office today at 519-766-1113 to setup an appointment for your son or daughter to have impressions done for a new custom sports mouthguard. As always, we use high performance ProForm laminates to fabricate all our mouthguards with a variety of laminates and colors available. Other laminate grades are available. ProForm guards $45 each, regular laminates $40 each. Mouthguards will be ready for pick up within 3 days following impressions.